Muffin Builder Page Length / Data Amount Limit?

I'm throwing a bunch of errors like this in the rendered page (and in muffin builder on the outer most page container edit menu):

Warning: key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/customer/www/ on line 130

It appears to happen once I surpass a certain amount of data/character limit in muffin-builder. I've gone so far as to verify very carefully one wrapper of content for syntax mistakes, and then simply multiplying the one clean entry 27 times, and it happens.

I can remove entries from the top, middle, end.. and it triggers in the same way - once I'm past a certain amount of data, it breaks. I'm convinced this is a variable size based issue in builder, and not a syntax issue on my side. I've tried it on a lot of ways. For what it's worth, I've updated php max vars to 10,000.



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