Warning: key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in...

We're getting this message. No other plugin installed, theme updated to 21.7.
php max vars is 1000, we contacted the provider to change it to 5000 but as far as I read from other users, it's not going to fix the error.
Thanks for any help


  • Hi,

    Please provide us with your hosting environment settings, to do that please follow these steps:
    1) Go to the Wordpress > Tools > Site Health http://prntscr.com/nlyb22
    2) Click at the “Info” on the top of the page and open the “Server” tab http://prntscr.com/nlybm2
    3) Take a screenshot of the content inside that ‘Server’ tab http://prntscr.com/nlybyr
    Please make sure you are using Wordpress 5.2 or later, previous versions did not have this option built in.

    Please use snag.gy or pasteboard.co to host the screenshot and send us the link to it.
    Also, please send us a link to your website.

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