Sold out label - Translation


I am buidling a mutil-lingual website with WPML and BeTheme.

Unfortunately, there are some strings that I cannot translate.

Those are the "Sold out label" in the "Blog, Portfolio and Shop => Shop page, and the Action button title for the main menu.

Can you please provide us with a way to accomplish that ?

Thanks !


  • Hello,
    Please install the WPML String Translation plugin, it should solve your problem.
  • Hey Pablo,

    I woldn't have send you an email if the sting was available in the string translation of WPML.

    I could find ALL OTHER strings, but not that one.

    Please provide meaninful help.
  • The sold out label is taken from woocommerce, not from betheme, is that correct?
    In this case, look for woocommerce in the "string translation" plugin.
    You also do have support included with the purchase of WPML, so you can ask them as well why this string is not available for translation.

    The action button is 100% in the string transaltion plugin and available for translation. Please check again.
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