Sharing Page Picks Wrong Picture for Preview, Even with Open Graph Image
I recently learned you should upload an Open Graph Image for sharing, so social media knows which image to share. Even so, sometimes the wrong picture displays. And, even when text messaging the link, the wrong picture is used. For example, when sharing this page via text message, it shows a picture of a different doctor in the preview...NOT the doctor you see further down the page (which is specified for the Open Graph | Image).
When using the Facebook Sharing Debugger, it now shows the correct doctor, but it says there are Missing Properties: og:type and fb:app_id
When using the Facebook Sharing Debugger, it now shows the correct doctor, but it says there are Missing Properties: og:type and fb:app_id
I've already tried adding an alt tag to the image, but beyond that, I don't know what else to try. Is there something else I need to do in order for text message sharing to choose the correct photo?
Thank you,