Offer Slider

Hi MG,

Be Theme is great! 

I'd like to set up an offer slider like you feature here:

but an having trouble figuring it out. Is there step by step instructions somewhere? 

Or is it possible to install the Be | Theme demo? It is not in my list of available demos in the "Be Theme Import Demo Data" section. Thank you for your help and wonderful theme.


  • Hi,

    what problem you exactly have? Did you created offer items under Offer section and used "Offer slider" item in the content? You must remember that this item works only with full width section. That's the whole explanation of how this item works.
  • In the version in the demo I linked to, there is a photo on the left and text and links on the right. This is what I want.

    When I create an offer the text is dropped below the photo and the space to the left is blank.

    Then when I add the offer slider (yes it is a full width section), it puts the photo slightly to the left and the text below. You can see it here at the bottom of the page.

    How do I make mine look like the demo. Or can I install a demo that has it this way so I can see how it was done. That is why I wanted to install the Be | Theme demo, but it is not available. 

    Thank you for your help.
  • It's because of what we wrote above :) Section is not full width as we thought. When you edit section, there is field called "Style" and you must select Full width option there.
  • OK, thank you.
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