Icon Box Uneven

Good day! Could anyone help me level out my three icon boxes on my front page? they all have similar amount of text and same size image but for some reason the first icon is raised slightly, here is the page   https://www.the10corrections.com

best regards



  • Hi,

    Please open your website in Firefox html mode (CTRL+U) and check html errors you got. Please fix them first and all should be fine.

  • Hi Pablo thankyou very much for replying, I have just tried fixing the errors, I think I have done this but still I cannot fix the position on the first Icon box, any ideas ?

    thankyou in advance

  • Hey,
    the first image is 224px, and the rest is 240px wide. This is why they are not aligned.
    Please edit the first image and check if you did not set a width. If not, make sure that the source images have the same width.
  • Thankyou very much, im so silly sometimes, I must pay more attention :( thankyou once again
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