BeTheme - get the actually used pre-built website

there is a way to know what is the pre-built website actually installed?
My old colleagues applied a ton of mods and now I'm not able to understand where they started from.

Thank you so much in advance.



  • Hello Jose,
    Sadly, there is no option like that, our pre-built websites are just imported into your muffin builder and theme options - so there is no info about the demo at all.

  • Many thx.
    Just another question, what are the items that make different the prebuilt website?

    CSS and page templates? Or something of more deep elements?

    The mods hadn't been did thinking in the future and now I'm not able to update/grade the environment, so the idea was to re-install a fresh copy of BeTheme and re-apply all the mods in "open" way thinking that the system must be updated.
    I think that the most of mods should be commented in the files, obviously I'm not scared by child theme files there should be more easy. My fear are the files of the core theme.

    Have you a good suggestion in how to proceed?

    Thank you again.

  • Hello Jose,
    there is a way, you need to check all of the image names used in the theme.
    When we build a pre-built website we name the files with that pre-built website name.
  • edited June 2020
    Many thanks Bryan, I'll give a try… great

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