Combined portfolio categories filter

Hello all,

I have setup a portfolio containing products that belong to categories.

Is it possible in a page say using "Portfolio Grid" to display all portfolio products that belong to a combination of categories?

Say I have products ONE,TWO and THREE.

Product ONE belongs to categories A, B and C

Product TWO belongs to categories A, B and D.

Product THREE belongs to categories A, C and D.

Is there a way to display portfolio products that belong to both categories A AND D? That is products TWO and THREE.



  • Hello,
    Of course, just use the Multiple Categories functionality:

    But, it will display products which have at least, one of the categories, let's say products which have A, B or C

  • In Multiple Categories field, category names are separated by commas.

    This means that category names are joined with the OR operator.

    It will display all portfolio products that belong to CategoryA OR CategoryB OR CategoryC e.t.c.
    If a product belongs to even one of the above categories, it will be displayed.

    What I'm looking for is to use the AND operator instead.

    I want to display all portfolio products that belong to CategoryA AND CategoryB AND CategoryC e.t.c.
    If a product belongs to all of the above categories, it will be displayed.

    Is this possible?


  • Hey,
    what you describe is what Pablo has proposed you. The sollution is correct, the multiple categories inserted in that field will go CatA and CatB and ...
    just separete them with a coma.

    If you have a post that has multiple categories and you want to show it only if all of the categories are selected then it will not be possible. This is much more complicated and you woul have to custom code it.

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