be event, list of events upcoming

Hello there.

First of all, thanks for your great work with this WP Theme.

I have an issue with "events upcoming" that I can not resolve.

In the page, the events showed are passed events because the date is the same that the published date (WP field publish) ("8 December, 2014"). So this list is only for passed event and not for future events.
What about if they are future events like upcoming events??? I need to show my events coming because my users need to book it. 

For example I need to show the 2016 events, and that is not possible because using the WP field publish, for 2016 it will be scheduled, and then it will not appear in the events list.

Looking forward to hearing from you.




  • Hi,

    for this page we use simple blog which is included into default wordpress so we do not understand what is the problem exactly. This is only just blog page and if you want to show upcoming events, you probably must change date for post only.

  • Hello.

    Thanks for your reply.

    How do I change the date of the post published for a future date?

    Example: I publish today my event (date appears 18/05/2015) but my upcoming event is on 12/12/2016.

    I want that the date that appear on the page is the date of the event (12/12/2016) and not the day published.

    That is possible?.
  • When you create/edit post, on the right hand side, you got "Publish" section where this can be done.
  • Thanks for your time.

    Well, If I change the date in the publish section to another future date, it will change the status to schedule and the page will be unpublished. 
    I guess there is not solution for that. I do not know the purpose of Be|Theme. It is just for passed events.

    Thanks anyway

  • So if this option does not work, then we do not have any other solution. That's the only option for blog posts.
  • Hi there,

    Getting a ride on Antonio's doubt, I have the same problem and just like him, events must be considered not only past but upcoming too. Make sense right? If we're talking about events, we should consider both scenarios. :-) So, should we use a third plugin to solve or you guys have another idea? 

    In case not, please consider this feature on future theme updates. It's a mandatory add-on. 

  • @epimazzo You must look for a third-party plugin because we do not have another idea unfortunately.
  • Hi guys,

    I understand as theme make use of WP's core function. Something to think it over as add-ons on next updates. just in case. So, you guys have something in mind that can be shared? I've been searching for a plugin but honestly didn't find any specific for only fix and publish future posts. It normally goes around an event calendar or past missing posts. 

  • Folks,

    Problem fixed with a third plugin called WP Scheduled posts. It's on 1.4.1 version and it works under latest WP 4.3.1. I installed here, set a future data directly in the post and checked-in an option to publish immediately. 

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