Center text horizontal and vertically in column

edited July 2020 in BeBuilder
Hi there.....Im having problems with centering text in columns. Please could you help me? 

the web is (Section: "Servicios") In need the text centered in the middle of the column horizontally and vertically


  • Hey,
    to center is horizontally, just edit the column item and text align center.
    To center is vertically, you need to have each of the "boxes" in separate wraps, this is the only way to do that.
    Here is a short instruction how to achieve it:

    The equal height of wraps is used to position elements on: top, middle or bottom in wraps. In order to achieve this you need to:
    1. Edit your page, and go to the muffin builder. Edit a section and under the advanced>style select 'equal height of wraps'. See screens:
    2. Now edit each wrap in that section and set the desired vertical align(top, middle or bottom). See screens:
  • Thank you I made it. But Now my column is a rectangle and I need a square. Before I  had the square of 180px.

    My content in there is: <h6 style="color:white">Gerencia de proyectos</h6>
    and in Custom|Styles in have min-height:180px

    But my space is a rectangle. Check out in Servicios Section please.
  • Please attach some additional padding for top and bottom in the settings of the wrap.
  • edited July 2020
    Please help me!!!! I have 4 sections, each with Two wraps, a column and a portfolio slider. Everything is ok but when I add a new section with the same two wraps and same content, there is a problem because i have section settings that are reseted when I update. The problem is with the second wrap in the new section when i add it, my section settings are reseted. I dont have this problem with the sections above. Please i Would appreciate if you help me.
    I will let the access to the wordpress Dashboard here:
    //edited by the support team
  • Please contact your hosting provider and ask him about increasing the max input vars value to min 5000 value.

    After that, you will be able to save your content properly.
  • Done!!! Thank you so much guys
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