Malware Link and no host, no wordpress forum, no wordfence, sucuri or Quetta can help

Hello i search and tried A LOT and it seems that never of them all can help me really, or what?

Google Ads tell that i have malware link and because of this they decline my promotion.

Did someone know here how i can solve that finally!?!?


Google Ads found malware link on my website because of this i cant make

promotion more. So i installed all this anti malware plugins but all
doesnt find that. I dont know how i can find and delete that. Did
someone help to find that or what can i do? Where and how i can find
that links?

Google answered me:

Dear Advertiser,

Thank you for contacting the Google Ads support center.

I hope your day is going well.

While checking your Google Ads account I see that your ads have been
disapproved due to violating malicious or unwanted software policy of
Google. I checked your website – and identified the following malicious links that you need to remove:,

You can consult a webmaster in order to remove the malicious links
from your website. Please be informed your ads will be approved within
72 business hours after you remove the malicious links. However, if you
want to speed up this process, then after removing the malicious links
you can make a small change to your ads and click on submit. If there
are not any other issues then your ads will be approved within 24 hours.


  • Hello,
    The "pu-placer.js" is not coming from our theme so we are not able to help you with removing this file at all, because we do not know where it comes from.
    You should contact webdeveloper and ask him about it, but I think, that this file comes from some kind of third-party plugin.

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