Having issues with Default Shop Page - Breadcrumbs not clickable

Several Issues:
Breadcrumbs are not clickable when I'm not using a slider.  They don't appear when I do use a slider.  Featured image falls behind the slider.  Anything I've put on this page using muffin builder is not showing up. 

Website address:

Back End


Without slider turned on:

With slider turned on


  • That's because of two things that you set not correctly.
    1) Minimalist Header without space - it will remove the height from the header completely, we suggest to switch it to ON - Theme Options > Header & Subheader > Header

    2) Change the header from "Transparent" to "Classic" because transparent header does not have any height inside, so subheader will be behind the menu

    Of course, you can attach bigger the padding value for subheader instead changing the header.
    Theme Options > Header & Subheader > Header
    Theme Options > Header & Subheader > Subheader

  • Ok so, can I do transparent header only on the shop page? that global setting effects my home page, which I want to have a transparent header.
  • Well, yes - but you have to create a custom layout.
    WP Dashboard > Layouts, there you will be able to select different header type and much more.

    Then, edit the main shop page and select the layout from the dropdown:

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