Portfolio Item Options not saving

Hey everyone,

I seem to be having a weird issue with saving the portfolio item options.  It never saves any changes I make, and the weird thing is that the website keeps prefilling with a URL I entered for a client.  I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the fact that I've changed the portfolio slugs to "project" and "project-cat" in the BeTheme Options -> Blog, Portfolio & Shop -> Portfolio screen.

Any help getting this saving again would be greatly appreciated. Also, I'm on the very latest version that's on ThemeForest.



  • I've figured out that it isn't actually an issue with how it saves the variables.  I set a header image and I can see it in the postmeta table for that portfolio ID, however when the page loads back up, it doesn't show the image that was selected or any of the data entered in any of the other fields which then causes an issue when you update again as it removes all of the data you set previously from the database.
  • Well, the problem seemed to stem from another meta box using WP_Query and a big bug in Wordpress that makes it so wp_reset_postdata() doesn't work in the admin meta boxes.  Had to switch that meta box to use get_posts w/ setup_postdata instead and then did another setup_postdata with the original $post after the loop.  Really odd.
  • Hi,

    if you are not able to save pages, you must increase max_input_vars on server side because your server is limited. Probably you got default value which is 1000 while should be 5000 or even 10000 if you build pages with large amount of content.

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