Parse error after update


It seems something went wrong when I tried updating to latest version. 

Turning on debugging I get this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type.php on line 117

That would be here:

 * Add meta box
public function meta_box()
array($this, 'show_box'),
);  <-------------------------------------------------- line 117

Even admin is out. I would very much like some help ;)
Kind regards, Bruno


  • Hello,
    Indeed, there was a problem related to that, we published the version with the bug, it was online for two hours and it is fixed now - you just have to reinstall the 21.8.2 version, the package without the bug is on themeforest.

    Please delete whole betheme folder from the themes directory in wordpress using ftp.
    Then install the BeTheme once more, your content will not be removed because all of the data is stored in the database.

    If you are worried about losing them, please make a backup in your hosting services.
  • Hi

    Thank you. It helped, although I got a few scares along the way as I got 404's on both install and activation of the theme. But it all seems to work now :)

    Kind regards, Bruno
  • Glad to hear that :)
    If you have some other questions, feel free to ask.

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