Problems updating theme
I'm the owner of,,,, and I have a problem to update the theme for the last 2 sites: these were created by an external administrator I hired for a couple of years. I paid him so he could buy the themes and everything was alright until he had to close his company. He put everything under my name and we transferred everything to a new server managed by me. After a few months I noticed I could update everything BUT the themes, I reached him anew for a solution but I haven't had any reply so far.
Would you be able to help me to overcome this problem? you can check that everything is under my name and I can provide you with any detail you'd need for this double check. I'd like to know if both pages are actually registered as BeTheme users. If so, could you please send me the registration codes so I can update the theme?
I only have this problem with:, and
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind regards,
Othmane Boudih