Store appearance: collapse categories, product images contain instead of cover

edited September 2020 in WooCommerce

I'm looking to have the left sidebar pictured in the link below to start with all child categories hidden because it's overwhelming to look at. I did not see a setting for this and hoping there is a simple solution to have all child categories hidden until the user opts to "drill down".

Also, the images are being cut off. I'd like to get them to the "contain" disposition so the images are not truncated. I don't mind a little extra whitespace.

here's the page that demonstrates both visual issues I'd like to fix:

Any help & advice appreciated - thanks.

-360 Direct


  • Hello,
    1) This sidebar widget is made that way, it does not have any sliding (child elements) effect applied, so it won't be possible to create in easy way.
    You would have to create JS/jQuery script to achieve that.

    2) Which images do you have in mind? Can you show me an screenshot?
  • edited September 2020
    Thanks for your reply Pablo. Please see screenshot below. The products shown on the store page are cut off at the bottom. It's not so obvious on the first product in the screenshot, but if you look at the 3rd product, the 12" box, you can see there's another row of color swatches in the product image that's almost completely cut off.
  • Hey,
    please use the wordpress customizer tool to edit the website. Then go to the woocommerce tab > product images and select the "no crop" option. All of the images will be not cropped. But remember they will not be the same size.
  • Hi Bryan,

    Thanks for the reply. That option is already set that way:

  • Please use this CSS code into Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS
    html body .image_frame:not(.no_link) .image_wrapper img:not(.ls-l){margin-bottom:unset !important;}
  • Hi Pablo,

    Thank you very much - adding that CSS fixed the issue I was having with the images getting cut off in the store page. Feel free to mark as complete.

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