Header image with Header Minimalistic OFF


Would it be possible to use a Header Image in the page/post with the Header Minimalistmic set to OFF?  Currently it's only possible to change the Header Image when Header Minimalistic is set to ON and where it will overwrite the image from the options.

Using a header image for the whole design is in some cases not desired, but using a Header Image on a individual page/post is desired and adds to the design of a page/post.
So, could you see if you can add the functionality where the Minimalistic Header is set to OFF and when using a Header Image on a individual page/post it will show the header image for that specific page/post (some function that checks if there is a Header Image present and will make the header image visible). This way the whole template could get more flexible to design individual pages/posts.

The existing fucntionality where Minimalistic Header is set to ON will work as normal and is visible everywhere and can be replaced individually on a page/post by setting a Header Image.

Would be a cool feature for an upcoming update.




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