Hide cart icon when not logged in


Under betheme options>shop you can choose a cart icon that hovers over the product images. I would like to keep this, but only people who are logged in can order things on this shop or see the prices. The add to cart button is hidden on the product page when not logged in. But when you're not logged in you still have the cart icon, which means if you click on it, it still adds the product to your cart, then you can go to the cart and see the price.

Is there a way to hide the cart icon when not logged in. Because I would really like to keep it, but only when people are logged in. 


  • Hello,
    If you just want to hide the cart icon, then please use this CSS code:
    body:not(.logged-in) #header_cart {
    display: none !important;
    But, it won't disable functionality of cart for them, it will just hide the icon.
    If you would like to remove this option for not-logged users, you will have to edit the wordpress and betheme files.

  • Hi Pablo,

    No this is perfect, as long as they can't click on it they can't add it to the cart. 

    Thanks, this solved this issue!
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