

I want to use social media icons in part 1

I want to use the Turkish and English Language Menu in part 1


  • Hello,
    You will not be able to have socials and wpml language menu at the same time, because they are set in the same location, and you can use one feature.
    If you want to attach one of them, please enable the Action Bar first at the Theme Options > Menu & Action Bar > Action Bar - https://prnt.sc/ueqm5d

    Then, if you want to create a wpml menu, create and assign new menu as a "Social Menu Top", then in WPML settings, create a "Menu language switcher" and assign it for the new menu.

    About the socials, just after enabling action bar, go to Theme Options > Socials and fill the socials :)
    It will display all of the socials with filled fields.

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