Updated theme from 20.8.7 to 21.8.7 and all styling and widgets broken


I had theme version 20.8.7 and the product key was missing from the theme. I was unable to get it so I just purchased the theme for the product key again today. After adding the product key to theme in wordpress to update the theme because it was locked, the entire site's styling changed. The navigation/menu is broken. Also, a widget we were using is missing - and a lot of other issues. Had I known paying and updating the theme would break the website, I would not have added the product key.. Here is what the site looked like prior to updating the theme today: https://web.archive.org/web/20200805074828/https://www.captainscarservice.com/

And here is what it looks like now after updating the theme: https://captainscarservice.com


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