Portfolio within a page.


can I integrate a portfolio into a page (not assign a protfolio to a page)
Using WP builder, I have added an item, chosen portfolio item and choosen the right category.
Nothing is shown in my website.
Did I miss something?

Thanks for your help.


  • Hi,
    Please always attach a link so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost) then our help will be limited, you will have to contact us when the page is online. Also please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us the link.
    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot, for that use services like snag.gy or pasteboard.co
  • Sorry, not yet used to ask you help.

    I would like to set a portfolio slider like this one here.

    I have first to create a portfolio, but how do I assign image in my slider?

    Then in my page, where can I copy/paste the shortcode:
    [portfolio_slider count="5" category="" category_multi="" orderby="date" order="DESC" arrows=""]

    Thanks for your help.
  • Hello,
    If you want to add an image to your portfolio item you have to add Featured image
    Then when you are creating your Protfolio Slider and in want to display all of the images from your portfolio you have to edit its options and set "Category" to "All".
    If you want to show only individual portfolio items you need to assign them in category.

    Instead of using shortcode you can use Portfolio Slider item.

  • edited October 2020

    I have set featured image to each portfolio item, see here. I have 4 sliders linked to the category "Produit"
    I have then added in my page the portfolio slider, but it shows only 2 images, while I have set 6 in the count, see here.

    Thanks for your help.
  • "Count" value tells how much slides on the page should be showed at all, not for how much it should show at one time.

    Please, change "Size" of the images in the "Portfolio Slider" item options in section "Advanced" to "Small" like on the screenshot.

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