Social icon - doesn't appears
I set social link to Facebook.
But I can find this facebook icon on webpage.
Maybe, should I do something else?
My website:

But I can find this facebook icon on webpage.
Maybe, should I do something else?
My website:

as we see, icon is in the right top corner so we don't understand what the problem exactly is.
I'm using and checking in Firefox v. 36 and here it isn't displayed.
Could you point out where is that icon?
I don't know what would I do more.
I upgraded Betheme to the newest version but the problem is no solved - the icon still isn't displayed.
I'm using and checking in Firefox v. 40.0.3 and Internet Explorer 11.
Do you have any suggestion?
My website:
BeTheme settings:
The Action Bar wasn't active.
The problem has resolved.
You can close this case.