Removing container above cover image


On your Blogger3 Theme post page the cover is right behind the menu. When I edit the themes post everything is great but I can't see the comment section even if they are checked marked on discussion panel please see the link below

When I create a new post from scratch I see a container above the cover image. I was able to remove the Author, tags, categories info by adding this .single-post .post-author, .single-post .date .label, .single-post .date .icon-clock, .single-post .category {
  display: none;
code to the css section but the date is still there. Please see below link
How can I add a new post without a space (background), author name, tags, categories between menu and header image while still having share part, author part with picture, related posts part and leave a reply part (post comment) at the bottom?


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