Sidebar muffin menu as widget - How to style sidebar? ::marker

I couldn't find an answer for my question here and in google.
How do I style a sidebar? Active page, position, li color...
Because I couldn't find the settings, I had put it into Sidebar Element in Elementor, but this is not the solution.

I created a sidebar in BeTheme Theme Options, created a menu (all subcategories of a category), went to Customize / Widgets, added Muffin Menu to the sidebar.
So far everything works fine but I need to apply css or change colors.
The menu has the id :
The selected page is "blue" that is cool, but I would like to change the color.
The inspector tells me the current page (a li element) is set as ::marker
Following code didn'T worked:
#menu-project-development-menu  li::marker {
    color: red !important;
background-color: red;
I tried following, with no luck:

Thank you very much


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