KLITMØLLER BBQ | Strandküche Grillgewürzmischung
https://strandkueche.de/produkt/klitmoller-bbq/Die beste Alternative zu MAGIC DUST mit viel weniger Zucker. Würzig & dezent scharf für den besten Grillgeschmack.
The Button in this picture is the Auswahl zurücksetzen ( Reset selection) superfluous.
add_filter(‚woocommerce_reset_variations_link‘, ‚__return_empty_string‘);
This is the Code i`ve include. But nothing happens.
You can see that this button takes a little longer to load, which means the code works, but then after a few seconds it comes back, that is, somewhere you pull this button up.
I hope you can help me.
here is the page again:
can you help me to clear this?
If I am getting this right, you want to get rid of this "Auswahl zurücksetzen".
To achive that, please, put the following Custom CSS Code in: Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.
If it is not that, please, let me know because I do not want any misunderstanding.
Best regards
Oh Yes, it works, thanks for your help.
why is my code Wrong? can you help me ?
ive put it in normal CSS.... Snippets ....
Sorry, but I cannot answer why your code is wrong because I have never used codes like yours.
It is tough for me to tell why it is not correct.
Best regards
ah ok, but thanks for your help :)
Have a great day