Remove zoom effect on image and add dividers between blogs

  1. When you hover over the featured image on the blog page it has a zoom effect, how can I remove that? I'd like to have it be a static image with no effects: Same issue on the individual blog pages
  2. Can I add a line divider between the blog posts on this page?
  3. Is there a way to update the styling on the "read more" section? I'd like to remove the grey background, left align the text and make it blue:


  • I was able to resolve #1.

    I just need help with 2 and 3

  • Hello,

    To have a line divider and update the styling on the "read more" section, you will have create Custom CSS Code, and put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    If you will need help to write it, please, let me know ?

    Best regards

  • Can you help write it? If you provide a sample I can tweak it. Also is there a way to tweak the spacing between the posts?

  • edited December 2020

    Please, try to use the following Custom CSS Code.

    .blog_wrapper .post-item{
     padding-bottom: 10px!important; /*this code gives space between post and line divider*/
     border-bottom: 5px #000 solid; /*this is line divider*/
    .blog_wrapper .post-item .post-footer{
     width: 160px!important;
     background: transparent!important;
    .blog_wrapper .post-item .post-footer .post-links,
    .blog_wrapper .post-item .post-footer .post-links .post-more{
     text-align: left!important;
     color: blue!important;
     border: none!important;

    Be aware that modifications like this can affect on the website display, and best option for you will be contact your webdeveloper for modifications like that next time.

    Best regards

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