url portfolio


I would like to know how can I change the url of the portfolio, for example: https://dev.moreda.com/portfolio-item/sistema-safety-heavy-mrt/ Can I take off the word "portfolio-item" from the url? I would like this url like this: https://dev.moreda.com/proteccion-industrial/sistema-safety-heavy-mrt/.

"proteccion-industrial" would be a category.

How can I do this?

Thanks, regards.


  • Hello,

    Well, there is no option to get rid of this text absolutely. But you can change it however however you want, by going to Betheme -> Theme options -> Blog, Portfolio & Shop -> Portfolio, and modify the text in Permalink | Single Project slug. Remember to go to Settings -> Permalinks and click on Save changes.


  • Hi Phil!

    Thanks. Can I do it the same with the images and other files?


  • Sadly, there is no setting to change that.

    All URLs that can be changed are placed in Settings -> Permalinks.


  • Hi Phil,

    Well I tried this and it worked. The point is that when I try to put the correct url to the superior page while it has the same NAME before, when I try to see the page the 404 error appears. So, after trying several options, I got the conclusion that the portfolio pages had to be pages (not portfolio). Could it be?

    I give you an example:

    We have PRODUCTOS (is a page)>MALLAS ANUDADAS (is a page)>Malla Anudada HJ (portfolio item)

    Portfolio item url is working because I use the advice you gave me above. So, I use the word PRODUCTOS (on single proyect slug) and then on the menu when I try to open the page MALLAS ANUDADAS the 404 error appears.

    Then, the question is if I have designed the pages with WP Bakery and the portfolio pages with Muffin builder, can this affect in a way to the web running?

    Otherwise can you give me a solution to have correct urls with pages and portfolio?


  • Using two builders on one website might be the reason.

    We highly recommend to use only one builder per website because they can get in conflict.

    Best regards

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