How to control button color in cart and checkout

Dear Be-Theme Team.

First of all: Congratulation. BeTheme is really great work. Thanks a lot for it :-)

We installed BeTheme Version 21.9.5.

But I cannot control the colors of important shop elements and buttons.

I checked out so many options within BeTheme Options => Colors but I was not successful.

Our shop:

If you hover a product also the symbols are orange on orange. They only become white if I choose BeTheme One color skin generator. But choosing One color Skin is not suitable for us because the rest of the design does not fit after it.

Could you please support me how to change colors of:

  1. How to change color of cart and link symbol if you hover a product: (actually it is orange on orange)
  2. How to change color "Add to cart" button (translated: In den Warenkorb) on product page: (please press "In den Warenkorb")
  3. How to change color "Zur Kasse gehen" Button on cart page:
  4. How to change color "Jetzt kaufen" button on

Thanks a lot in advance



  • Hello,

    1) To change the cart and link color, please, go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Colors -> Content, and in section Image frame modify the Image frame | Link color.

    2) To change the "add to cart" button, please, go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Buttons, choose the Custom style of button, and customize the highlighted version of button.

    3) Sorry, but I cannot see anywhere the "Zur Kasse gehen" button. Can you send a link to page with it again, please? Also, you can attach a screenshot showing where this button is located.

    4) If color for this button will not change after your modifications from subsection 2), you should create and put the Custom CSS Code in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.


  • Thank you so much for your fast and super helpful answer :-))

    The button color adjustment works perfectly and I am so happy to be with BeTheme and your great support.

    The website result is super attractive.

    Is there also a way to change the link-symbol in the shop if I hover a product in the shop?

    Instead of the link symbol on the right side I would like to use an "i" symbol or better an magnifying glass symbol to make people click for more details.

    I only found a way how to change the cart symbol but not the link symbol.

    Best regards and thank you so much


  • Sorry, but unfortunately there is no option to change that.

    You would have to modify the theme files, but sadly we do not support such customizations.


  • Ok - no problem and thank you very much for your helpful feedback.

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