Policlin Santè Especialidades Médicas, Exames e Diagnósticos
https://policlinsante.com.br/Cirurgia, Consulta Médica, Exames nas especialidades, Pediatria, Clínica Geral, Dermatologia, Cardiologia, Oncologia, Endocrinologia, Oftalmologia, Ortopedia, Otorrinolaringologia, Gastroenterologia, Cirurgia Cardiovascular, Cirurgia Vascular, Mastologia, Psiquiatria, Proctologia, Neurologia, Nutrição, Psicologia, Clínica e Reabilitação em Fisioterapia, Fisioterapia, Exames e Diagnósticos, Teste Ergométrico, Mapa 24 horas, Holter 24 horas, Eletrocardiograma, Ecocardiograma Transtorácico, Ultrassonografia, Doppler de Carótidas e Vertebrais, Doppler Venoso e Arterial de MMI
Please, go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Hooks, and remove everything from Bottom section.
After that, please, check if this issue still appears.
I have already checked it and I have never input scripts in hooks area.
Please take a look in the picture below:
Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.
After investating that problem, we can tell that Roboto font is downloading for the Slider Revolution, because after disabling that plugin, that link attribute does not appear anymore. (The "Roboto" font is used for the Revolution Slider dashboard)
Also, about multiply downloading of some font, it's proper - it's downloading different weights of fonts that you selected in Theme Options :)
Thanks so much!!