Product Title and Spacing

How do I add some spacing to the top of my products page and individual product pages? Links below:

Also, how do I change the font and color of the Merchandise title on the products page?

Thank you for your help.


  • Hello,

    To achieve these things, you will have to create and use the Custom CSS Code.

    You can put your CSS Codes in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    If you need help with that, please, let me know.


  • Thanks Phil. I know where to put the CSS, just don't know the CSS code required to fix these issues. Any help with that would be appreciated. Thanks again.

  • Please, try to use the following Custom CSS Code.

    /*changing font and color for title*/
    .woocommerce .page-description h1{
       font-family: 'Arial'!important;
     color: #213769!important;
    /*increasing spacing at the top of products*/
    .woocommerce .products_wrapper{


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