URL's of images after changing Domain not updated
Normally this works for me out of the box as I'm only working with relative image URL's or media uploader
and images get updated to the new domain name automatically. But this time I moved
the blog and all images:
- which are set in the theme options (for example the logo)
- and all which are set in the muffin group builder
were not updated.
I tried the plugins:
1) Go Live update URL
2) Better Search Replace
none of these plugins has effect on the muffin group fields.
Where are the contents of the muffin group builder stored actually? In what database
table? Could not find the content.
Sorry to bother you with this question, but I move
wordpress blogs a lot and such an issue was nothing I faced before.
Thank you,
to change urls for muffin builder items you must use Mfn CB Migrate Tool.