embedding video and having it play in lightbox

I am having trouble embedding a series of videos on site. I have about 12 "thumbnail" images I want to use as placeholders. Upon clicking one of the thumbnails, I want a lightbox to open to play the video. Most are youtube videos. I just don't want user to leave site.

I tried using the muffin builder "video" and could not get that to work. I looked on forum and have trouble searching what I thought would be an easy solution. surprisingly, only 1 video result appeared in my search. I was able to use the pasted code, but cannot get the video to play. The lightbox works but the video does not play. here is the code I used:

<a href="#popup" rel="lightbox">

<img class="scale-with-grid" src="http://www.ashablake.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/news.png" alt="Play video" /></a>

<div id="popup" style="display:none">

[video_embed video="https://youtu.be/gJVexO17Eos" parameters="" mp4="" placeholder="http://www.ashablake.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/news.png" html5_parameters="" width="700" height="400"]


Please advise


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