Translate copyright footer without WPML String Translation
Is there a way to make the text in my footer area change depending on the language of the site?
I don't use the WPML String Translation (I do use WPML), so is there a shortcode to do this?
This is my code and in bold the strings that should change if the language changes:
[two_fifth]Copyright © 2008 - 2021 B&B Winterberg[/two_fifth]
[one_fifth]<a href="/index.php/agb/">AGB</a>[/one_fifth]
[two_fifth]<a href="/index.php/privacy/">Datenschutzerklärung</a>[/two_fifth]
[one_fifth]<a href="/index.php/disclaimer/">Disclaimer</a>[/one_fifth]
[one_fifth]<a href="/index.php/impressum/">Impressum</a>[/one_fifth]
Sorry, but it is not possible to translate it without WPML String Translation.
If you would like to translate it, you will have to use the String translation.
Best regards