image gallery - wrong image displayed

Could you tell me why the system uses for preview images an smaller sized image as was necessary for the image area? The image area was app. 380x510px, used was 222x300px. So it will shown pixelated/blurred. Is there an setting to change it to the real preview size?


  • Hi,

    There are many types of featured images in the theme. Here are instructions for changing them:

    1. To change the size of the images used in portfolio/blog, please navigate to theme options -> blog, portfolio & shop -> featured image.

    2. To change the default WordPress gallery images' size, please go to settings -> media.

    3. To change the size of the woocommerce images, please go to the WordPress customizer tool and change it in the front-end.

    More informations in the link below:


    Remember to use thumbnail regeneration after you make your changes. Otherwise, the images will not change their size.


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