Shop categories

I want to change the image size and the text size in the Categories field of the store. How do I do this?

The categories I created in the products do not appear for menu assignment. How can I create the product category as a menu sub-item?



  • Hello,

    1) To change the image and font size, you will have to use Custom CSS Code. Do you need help with it?

    2) To add categories as sub-menu items, please, go to Appearance -> Menus, select your main menu, expand the Product Categories tab, and add them to the menu.


  • 1.) Yes, I need help with that. Where and how can I change the css code?


    In the menu item I have no products and no product category (see photo).?

  • Hello, unfortunately I can't get any further with the editing of my website. Can you please give me a tip.


  • 1) Sorry, but I cannot see categories fields on your shop page anymore, and without them, I am not able to write proper CSS Code.

    2) While editing the menu, please, open the Screen Options and check Product categories.


  • 1) I have added the category fields back to the store page. The headings should be a little smaller and the call to action should be in the same green as the button on the right.

    2) Thanks?

  • Please, put the following Custom CSS Code in the Custom | CSS section placed in the Page Options:

    .page-description .wc-block-featured-category .wc-block-featured-category__title{
       font-size: 34px
    .page-description .wc-block-featured-category .wc-block-featured-category__link .wp-block-button__link{
       background-color: #afd557!important;


  • Thank you very much, it works.?

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