Embed an Mp4 video instead of a VIMEO video


On the website http://pixelway.de/projekt-sachverstaendiger/ under the menu press there is a link to a VIMEO video. https://pasteboard.co/JTkTcMb.jpg

Add content shortcode:

[image src = "http://pixelway.de/projekt-sachverstaendiger/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/fb-home-play.png" width = "" height = "" align = "" stretch = " 0 "border =" 0 "margin_top =" "margin_bottom =" 20 "link_image =" https://vimeo.com/109246634 "link =" "target =" lightbox "hover =" false "alt =" "caption =" "greyscale =" "animate =" "]

Can I also use an mp.4 video for this, which opens exactly on the website like the VIMEO video?

Thanks and a nice weekend


  • Hello,

    You can try to use the following shortcode:

    <a href="#popup" rel="lightbox">
    <img class="scale-with-grid" src="https://themes.muffingroup.com/be/theme/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/betheme-new-retina.png" alt="/">
    <div id="popup" style="display:none;">[video_embed video="" parameters="" mp4="link_to_your_video" ogv="" placeholder="" html5_parameters="" width="1000" height="800"]</div>

    Thanks and have a nice weekend too ?

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