Licence conflict


I use betheme a lot and really enjoy your work, thank you but i have a conflict with some of our licences :

(envato account : narrativeparis - 12 licences bought)

I have a licensing problem with several sites that no longer exist or whose server has changed without unregistering the license.

I have a total of 12 betheme licenses.

Here are the ones that pose have not been deactivated and that I cannot reactivate on the new site concerned after server migration :

*****  is for (but already on the but it the same web site only the dev url)

you can check the redirection :

Another licence is used with This website doesn't exist anymore and has been delete without deregister the licence.

same problem with This website doesn't exist anymore (but no licence deregister) and has been redirect to

The last conflict licence is on wich became the website after a server migration but i did'nt deregister the old one and now cannot use the licence **** used on this same website (just move fro a server to another)

I need help from you to deregister thoses licences in order to use them with the website they belong to.

There is absolutely no scam. i use 1 licence for 1 website.

thank you for your help.

Jimmy Lambert


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