Different colors in navigation menu
Hi there,
would like to change the color of the buttons in my menu. Unfortunately it just flashes the desired color for a second and then goes back to the color set in the "Menu | Active Link background" within "Design > BeTheme Options"... is there a way to change that... I would like every button to have a different color onHover and the font to stay in that color when the page is active.
Here´s the site: http://gnt.adfellas.de
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Cheers - Daniel
would like to change the color of the buttons in my menu. Unfortunately it just flashes the desired color for a second and then goes back to the color set in the "Menu | Active Link background" within "Design > BeTheme Options"... is there a way to change that... I would like every button to have a different color onHover and the font to stay in that color when the page is active.
Here´s the site: http://gnt.adfellas.de
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Cheers - Daniel
if you want to get different color per different menu item then you must activate CSS classes option for menu items. Then, for each item you must assign own class and under Theme options > Custom CSS & JS > Custom CSS section you must write custom css for each menu item.
Many thanks,
thanx - daniel
menu button #1:
onHover: bg-color = #color1, font-color = #ffffff
when you are on that page: font-color = #color1
menu button #2
onHover: bg-color = #color1, font-color = #ffffff
when you are on that page: font-color = #color2
menu button #3:
onHover: bg-color = #color1, font-color = #ffffff
when you are on that page: font-color = #color3
menu button #4:
onHover: bg-color = #color1, font-color = #ffffff
when you are on that page: font-color = #color4
See the attached and screenshot with indications - sorry, hope now it´s easier to understand.
When you hover over "MES" it gets "blue" (#color3) for a second but turns "red" imediatly after that... just try it (http://gnt.adfellas.de)
Thanks for your help and patience...
Regards - Daniel
PDM = menu-pdm
CAM = menu-cam
MES = menu-mes
DNC = menu-dnc
SUPPORT = menu-support
ÜBER UNS = menu-about
Maybe it would be easier to just "turn off" that "overwriting transition"...
Thanks for your help.
Cheers - Daniel
.menu-mes.hover {
background-color: #43a1da;
color: #ffffff;
Greetz - Daniel
Thanx - greets - Daniel
Now I would have just one more (sorry could have seen that before - but somehow I didn´t :-/ ):
when on the page (see http://gnt.adfellas.de/mes/) I would like the background to be "white" again and only the "font" (MES) to be "blue" (like the hover bg-color). Would you mind helping me on that tooo
Many thanks -
The "hover"-effect works fine.
But when you click on "MES" and land on the "MES" page the button has a red background again and the font is black. And I would like it to have a white background and a blue font...
Could you please help me once again with that?
Many thanx, Daniel
So I´d appreciate any help...
See the blue "clients":
1. goto http://gnt.adfellas.de
2. hover over the menu button "MES" -> it turns "blue"... this is perfect (once again - thanks for that
3. now click on the menu button "MES" (you will land on the page http://gnt.adfellas.de/mes/)
4. now look at the font-color and the background-color of the menu button "MES" (it has a "red" background and a "black" font)
And my wish is:
on points 3. and 4. of the above list (when on page http://gnt.adfellas.de/mes/) I want the menu button "MES" to look like this: "white" background and "blue" font-color
And I want to do this with every button on the menu... giving each button a different color, like we did on the "hover"...
Does this help you understand my problem?
Thank you very much for your patience with me... I really appreciate this kind of "service".
Best regards - Daniel
Have a great day!
Regards - Daniel