button color

Hi! I want to change the button color element for personalizate color #BED600. Can I add a new color in dropdown. How should I do it?

Other option is insert a button with shortcode but the aspect is not the same, I just need to get the letter in bold.

[button title="TRABAJA CON NOSOTROS" link="my-web" target="_blank" align="" icon="" icon_position="" color="#BED600" font_color="#13352C" size="2" full_width="" class="vc_general vc_btn3 vc_btn3-size-md vc_btn3-shape-rounded vc_btn3-style-flat" download="" rel=""]


  • Hello,

    What dropdown are you talking about?

    Do you want to change the color for one particular button?

    Did you try to use the Button item?


  • The dropdown menu is to choose the color. My problem is Button item. In modern syle I don't have the option to custom color. I need add #BED600 color.

  • Please, add to this button a class. For example "buttonColor", and use the following code:

    .buttonColor button{
       background-color: #BED600!important;


  • This code didn't work. I put code in betheme>theme options>custom css & js. After that I chose in button settings a Extra Class a name ButtonColor but, button remains with color that I chose in dropdown menu.

  • Are you able to send me a link to your website? If it is not live yet, are you able to put it on some staging domain for a while so that I could take a closer look at this button, please?


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