woocommercce tab notification

hi there,

I'd like to change color about WooCommerce notification see images in attach:

and is possible in homepage where I put shop slider a round corner of image? I try to put code: border-radius but nothing .. no work.

the site is in development .. https://mappigo.it/webapp/



  • Hello,

    Please, put the following CSS codes in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    To round corner the images:

    .shop_slider .slick-slide .image_frame .image_wrapper{
       border-radius: 20px!important;

    To change the background color of the green message:

    .woocommerce-notices-wrapper .woocommerce-message.alert_success{
       background-color: #666666!important;

    To change the background of the blue message:

    .woocommerce .woocommerce-info.alert_info{
       background-color: #213700!important;


  • hi great thanks!!!! thanks a lot!!!! fantastic !!!

    listen .. what about change icon color? in the same notification?


  • To change the icon color, use this code:

    .woocommerce .woocommerce-info.alert_info .alert_icon{
       color: #b11b15!important;


  • great thanks!

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