New Muffin - Item by default
Hi, we noticed that if the price sections (but also those with icons etc.) if there are no items inside, the muffin sets 2 items by default and this is very annoying because you have to delete them every time before updating the page.
Sorry, but I do not understand.
Can you send me a screenshot showing what you are referring to, please?
Yes. If the content field is populated or not, the betheme always inserts the 2 default items and, especially in development, this thing is frustrating because I have to go every time to remove that stuff because otherwise he inserts it by default and if you update the page then lets it out.
You can turn off Pre-completed items in the builder option.
Some elements will still appear in the items, but it will be fixed in the future update.
Ok but it doesn't work. We will therefore wait for the update hoping that this thing will be resolved because it is really frustrating and makes us waste a lot of time.
As Phil said, it will be fixed in next update, the price item (and similar) won't be filled with sample content anymore while the "Pre-completed items" is disabled.
The update will be on monday.