Changes not saving since updating the builder
Hello. We're having an issue with one of our websites sincer we updated the theme and using the new version of Mufffin Builder.
It's not saving anything. It lets us modify and save but when refreshing the page, nothing changes. We cleared cache multiple times and accesed it from incognito so it's not a cache problem. Also, when editing the page, changes are there, but if we refresh the, it goes back to previous version.
I hope I explained the problem as clear as possible.
Thank you.
Please share with us your PHPINFO file. It's really necessary right now.
If you do not know how to do it, please check this topic:
Moreover, please, turn off all of the plugins, after that clear the cache, and check if the issue persists.
Thanks for the response. We relsolved the issue and it was actually something PHP related.
It's there any way to downgrade the theme version so that we can use the old Muffin Builder? For us, this new one comes with a lot of isses.
Unfortunately, there is no option to downgrade the theme. The only option will be restoring it with a backup.
Remember that you can turn on the Simple view in the Builder options, which is similar to the previous version.