Problemi con Google Search Console

Google Search Console mi rileva il seguente errore:

L'URL inviato contiene un tag "noindex". Non riesco a risolvere il problema potete aiutarmi? Ho provato a modificare il file robots-template.php ma il problema non si risolve.


  • Hello,

    Sorry, but we do not understand what you want to tell us.

    On this support forum, we use the English language, and all of the questions, answers have to be written in that language.

    So please, rewrite your question.


  • Google Search Console gives me the following error:

    The submitted URL contains a "noindex" tag. I can't solve the problem can you help me? I tried to modify the robots-template.php file but the problem is not solved.

  • Okay, but where did you get from the robots-template.php?

    Also, the "noindex" tag means to not-scrap the page in google results, isn't was set by you?


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