Simple parallax - white bottom and enlarge the image

Hi - When I try to use simple parallax on a column in Visuel composer it kind of stop before the bottom of the content of the column. Perhaps I get my problem on this image: - se the site (under construction) here: 

I'm not expert in codes but it looks like vc_parallax-inner skrollable skrollable-between only is 768,594px heigh and the site is 854px (varies from page to page depending on the content)

It also show the background image in size 150% - I would lige that I just show ind 100% so the quility wouldn't be blured...


  • Hi,

    we don't know how you used parallax with VC plugin because this feature is not available for this builder. We recommend to use Muffin Builder if you want to use parallax because with our builder it is much easier and works perfectly.
  • Well as you can see here it surely looks like it is available:
    And it would take pretty many hours to rebuild the entire page... And perhaps you think it is easyer, but I don't. It is not as intuitive as Visuel cmposr - ans since visuel composer is a part of the theme I can't believe that I shouldn't be able to use it. Beside it doesn't seems to have the same elements...?

  • Ok, got it now. But as we see, you got custom css which break this parallax effect:
    /* Background */
    .vc_parallax .vc_parallax-inner {
        height: 90% !important;
        background-position: 50% 0%;

    /* Header */
    body:not(.template-slider) #Header {
      min-height: 120px;

    #Top_bar #logo img {
      max-height: 140%;

    .vc_btn3.vc_btn3-color-juicy-pink, .vc_btn3.vc_btn3-color-juicy-pink.vc_btn3-style-flat {
      background-color: #a2cc86;

    vc_parallax-inner.skrollable.skrollable-between {
      height: 100% !important;
    After removing this code, all is fine
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