Compatability problem with BeTheme and Gravity Forms

Hi guys,

I have a website using BeTheme (Version: 24.0.2) and Gravity Forms (Version 2.5.8).

There is an issue with the Gravity forms file upload facility -

When using a mobile phone, the file upload popup is broken and I believe the cause is a compatibility issue between BeTheme and Gravity Forms.

I have set up a test page here with a simple form including a file upload -

If you try uploading a file from an iPhone device, it will not work - the upload popup does not appear and an error is displaying stating that a file must be uploaded.

I have found that if I disable BeTheme and enable an alternative theme such as the "Twenty Twenty" theme, then the file upload works perfectly from mobile, leading me to believe that it is a compatibility issue between Garvity Forms and BeTheme.

I wonder if someone would be able to help me resolve this issue?

Many thanks in advance



  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.


  • I have sent the details via the contact form as requested. Please let me know if you receive them and if you can find the problem, thanks.

  • Please, update your Betheme to the newest version, and check if this issue persists.

    When you do this, please, let me know.


  • I have just updated the theme to the latest version and tested from mobile - the issue still persists. Even though I tap "select files" the upload files menu does not appear, instead the error message appears (See screenshot attached).

  • I have tested the gravity forms in my environment, and I could not recreate this issue. It only appears on your website, but what I noticed is that it only appears on Safari.

    Can you contact the Gravity Forms and ask them about this issue as well, please?


  • It only occurs when you enable the option "enable multi-file upload".

    Looking back on my notes, I see that a similar issue occurred back in January and I contacted gravity forms support back then, and they advised there was a javascript error in the theme, causing a compatibility issue between it and gravity forms.

    I think last time, you guys fixed this issue for me.

    This is what gravity forms sent previously -

    Thanks David,

    After loading the page I can see the following JavaScript error:

    apbct_public_sendAJAX is not a variable name used by Gravity Forms core. I would recommend you to check your theme functions.php file looking for some custom code using that variable name. If there's something there, create a backup of the file, and remove the custom code.

    If you can't find any custom code there, you will want to contact with your theme developer for further assistance.


    Let me know if that sheds some light on the situation. Otherwise, I can contact them again.

  • Unfortunately, it does not help us because there is no variable mentioned in your message in our theme files.

    We have created multiple environments with Betheme and Gravity Forms, and there was no problem with uploading files in Safari, only on your website.

    It would be great if you could contact them again, and let me know when they answer you.

    Best regards

  • It is strange that you cannot reproduce it either -

    I have managed to reproduce the same issue on another website that I manage -

    This site is also using BeTheme, it was not previously using Gravity Forms but I have installed the gravity forms plugin and created a page just for test purposes, then added a file upload box and configured it to accept multiple files and on safari via a mobile device, it produces the same error message.

    None the less, I will go back to gravity forms support and see if they can provide any additional information. Once I have something from them, I will come back to you here.

    Thanks for your help so far.

  • Hi guys,

    First of all, I spoke to Gravity Forms and they have advised me that they cannot help. They said that because it is the theme that is breaking gravity forms, it is not their responsibility to fix it.

    Having said that, I have taken some time to narrow down the issue and I have now been able to reproduce the fault as follows -

    Install WordPress

    install BeTheme

    load pre-built website HR (

    install gravity forms plugin

    create a form with file upload

    enable the "multi-file upload" option on the above field.

    I have also tested with several different pre-built websites and only found two of them that cause the same issue (Other pre-built sites that I tested from BeTheme seem to work fine) - HR, Developer 4.

    And just to confirm, it is only on iPhone iOS Safari internet browser that the issue occurs - it seems to work fine from other devices.

    For reference, I have also set up a brand new domain and wordpress installation, on an alternative host, and managed to reproduce the problem here -

    Please can you take a look at this, see if you can replicate the issue following the above steps and hopefully you will be able to find the cause?



  • Thanks to your suggestion, I was finally able to locate the source of this issue.

    If your button is set to Flat or Round in Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Buttons, then this problem appears.

    We will take a closer look at this, but at this moment, as a workaround, please, change your button style to any other except these two.

    I am really grateful for your commitment, and thanks to you, I could finally reproduce this issue and locate its source.

    Best regards

  • Hi Phil,

    thats great thanks for getting to the bottom of that, much appreciated.

    I have made the change that you suggested and I can confirm it is now working.

    If you do find the root cause, let me know, but as far as I am concerned its now working.



  • Actually, meanwhile my last message, we have located the root cause.

    The fix for it will be released in a future update.


  • thats fantastic thanks for letting me know


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