Search custom fields not working

I want to use the search field what can be found in header top bar right for searching posts on colors.

So when I have a post of a trouser, I want to fill in custom fields with colors to find that blue trouser.

I have a post with advanced custom text fields. I filled in that field with the word "Blue".

With Relevanssi plugin I activated "find custom fields".

When I search on the homepagina in the search field (header top bar right) for "Blue", there are no search results. When I fill in "Blue is a beautiful color" in the post custom field and search for it, it can be found.

So short words can't be found...

When I deactivate betheme and activate any other theme (twenty seventeen for example), than I find the post when searching for "Blue". So I have this problem only with Betheme.

How is this possible? I thought Betheme used the Wordpress search?


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