Main menu & hoover menu

Is there a way to display a different overlay menu when scrolling?
When first viewing the website, a main menu is displayed, but when scrolling down and overlay menu appears, we need the overlay menu to have different menu links other that that of the initial main menu.

Maybe there is a snipped of code which we can use to switch between the two menus.

Hope someone can help us out. Thanks.


  • Hi,

    please send us a screenshot with necessary changes so we can be sure what you mean exactly.

  • Hello,
    Please see attached image. Just to recap, the top of the page starts with one 4 item menu and as you scroll down, the menu changes to a 5 or 6 item overlay menu.


  • Sorry but this is unfortunately not possible because needs many modifications in theme files.
  • Ok. Thanks.
    It would be a nice function to have in future BeTheme updates.

    Another quick question.
    How can we adjust the color and alignment of the Quick Fact value? We also need the hr removed from the bottom of the value.

    We have tried adding custom css in the template custom css section and Quick Fact Custom | Classes, but nothing seems to work. I think we are doing something wrong.

    Can you provide me a sample css code to do what we need and where do place it.


  • We need url to page where you got this item and then we'll be able to give you css to do what you need.
  • To remove hr and align right, you must use below css:
    .quick_fact .number-wrapper { text-align: right !important; }
    .quick_fact hr { display: none !important; }
    But to change individual colors, you must play with custom css and classes for items. So for item or section you must set class name and then under custom css section you must write right class for the item.
  • edited June 2015
    Hello, it's me again with another support question.
    How can I make a button scroll to a section using # ? I would like a button, when pressed, to do a smooth scroll to a section just like a menu would.

    Is that doable?

  • You must use class="scroll" for element if you want to use smooth scroll. This works with links but we are not sure if this will work with the button so you must check.
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