Mobile Bar
How do i change the Mobile bar? Like costumize with own icons and Links to a different Site. There are only Options like Shop, Cart, Wishlist and Account.
And (shopquestion) how do i get the Pictures to be the same Size? Like every shoppicture to be 1:1
please help me thanks
1) There is no option to edit the Sticky shop menu, at the moment. If you would like to see such a feature in the future updates, please, let us know on the following topic:
2) If you want to have all images in the same size, you can upload them with the same resolution.
there is no option to make they all the same size??? Only the layout? So that the pics are croped.. I have 300 products with 3 pics per product… that would be really hard to resize every picture
You can also try to change the size of the woocommerce images in the WordPress customizer tool and change it in the front-end.
More information in the link below:
Remember to use thumbnail regeneration after you make your changes. Otherwise, the images will not change their size.