Remove different features and edit the design

edited August 2014 in Blog

Thanks for letting me use the BEtemplate.

This is the codes I have found in the forums:

#Footer .footer_action { display: none;}
#Footer .widgets_wrapper { display: none;}
#Footer { display: none;}
.post-footer .button-love { display: none; }
.masonry .post-footer { display: none; }
#Filters .filters_wrapper { display: block !important; }
.image_frame .image_wrapper .image_links { display: none !important; }
.blog #Filters { display: none; }
.post-meta .author { display: none; }
.love-text { display: none; }
#comments { display: none; }
.single-post .image_frame .image_wrapper { display: none; }
.single-photo-wrapper .image_frame { display: none; }
.single-portfolio #Subheader { display: none; }
.single-portfolio .post-header .button-love { display: none; }
.single-portfolio .post-header .title_wrapper { margin-left: 0; border: none; }
.single-portfolio .post-meta .author-date { display: none; }
.single-portfolio .post-meta .category { display: none; }
.single-portfolio .fixed-nav.fixed-nav-prev { display: none; }
.image_frame .image_wrapper .mask:after { display: none !important; }
.Recent_posts ul li .desc .date { display: none; }
.post-footer .button-love .love-text { display: none; }
.post-footer .post-links .post-comments { display: none; }
.icon-comment-empty-fa:before { display: none; }
.post-header .button-love { display: none; }
.post-meta { display: none !important; }
.icon-comment-empty-fa:before { display: none; }
.masonry .post-footer { display: none; }
.section-post-header { display: none; }
.fixed-nav { display: none; }

I have som few questions.

1. How can i make the top menubar white? Now it´s dark.

2. How can i remove the related post section / or just having the pictures with mouseover showing the title

3. How can I remove the author? 

4. Is it possible to get the blogpostsection to auto generate experts?

5. Do I need to use a plugin to get Facebook integrated comments?

6. Can I remove the heart on the blogpage section? Do not want any heart at all ;)

7. When I use the css. codes above one of them removes the featured image on single post. But it also removes the image generated with content builder?



  • Hi,

    1. You can do it in Theme options > Colors > Header section.

    2. To remove related posts, please use below custom CSS:
    .section-post-related .post-related { display: none; }
    .section-post-related .section-related-adjustment { display: none; }
    3. Author from where? Please make a screenshot of what you mean and we`ll have a look. You can use to make screenshot.

    4. This is not possible at this moment.

    5. We have never tested anything so far we can`t recommend any solution for that. You need to test plugins yourself and check how they work.

    6. Yes, you can. This was already described on this forum so please take a look on

    7. We do not recommend to use .css's that you don`t know what for they are. If you don`t know which one is doing it, then please remove them one by one and after each removing, check if image show up again or not and only this way you will be able to find right css for that thing.
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