WooCommerce Shop Page buttons colors
I have used Be Theme for WooCoomece eshops several times but in my last one I am stack.
''Add to cart'' buttons in Product Page (https://bit.ly/2ZDEhXG, pass: cH21%BVpUznBYd8D) follow the settings I put in BeTheme Settings/Buttons/Custom Style Button (blue/red/white text).
But on the main shop page (https://shop.logoschema.gr/shop/ pass: cH21%BVpUznBYd8D) they do not and they seem not to hover.
Where on the settings can I control shop page button's text color, background and hover background?
Please advise.
Thank you.
It seems that the button color on the main shop page takes its color from Betheme -> Theme options -> Colors -> Content -> Theme color.
We will take a closer look at it. However, at the moment, if you do not want to change the Theme color, you will have to write a custom CSS code to modify it and place it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.
Please, let me know if you need help with writing it.
Yes that far I understood.
But this is for the background only it seems.
What about hover and text color.
In the eShop https://bit.ly/3G2hTXz I did not use custom css and it works only from Theme settings.
That is why I am stack!!!
Sorry, but this website is password protected too.
Can you send me a password to it, please?
I do apologize. I sent you my staging site.
This is live: https://bit.ly/3rhob14
Sorry, but the result is the same.
I tried the password you sent in the first message, but it is not working.
Best regards
I sincerely apologize again.
I resent you the staging site. I probably needed a break...
Here is the live one: https://bit.ly/3rm0rZK. It is the ''shop page'' on the main domain athinarose.gr.
Waiting for your reply.
Thank you.
Thank you. I noticed the difference.
This page has another button style than Custom, which is why animation is visible (Custom buttons have a different structure than other ones). If you switch to the default style, you should notice that the hover effect appears.
We will consider adding it for the Custom style as well.
Yes, that would be awesome if we can control hover color and text color in custom button settings.
Thanks. Please close the ticket.